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Reporting an Emergency Incident: A Comprehensive Guide for Emergency Response


Emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and efficient reporting is crucial for prompt response and effective management. In this article, we’ll explore the procedures for internal and external reporting, covering various channels and technologies available to fire wardens in Australia.

Internal Reporting Procedures

Manual Call Points and Internal Emergency Contact Numbers

In the event of an emergency, manual call points are invaluable tools for immediate reporting within a facility. Ensure that all staff members are familiar with the location of these points and how to activate them. Additionally, internal emergency numbers specific to your organization should be readily accessible and well-known among employees.

Emergency Control Organisation Register

Maintaining an up-to-date register of emergency control organization staff is essential. This register should include contact details and roles to streamline communication and coordination during an emergency.

Emergency Runners

In situations where communication systems may be disabled, having designated emergency runners becomes crucial. These individuals play a vital role in conveying critical information and coordinating response efforts.

Reporting Channels for Persons with Disabilities and Mobility Impairments

During the development of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs), establish clear reporting channels for individuals with disabilities. This ensures that their unique needs are addressed promptly in emergency situations.

Security Assistance Alarms

Implementing security assistance alarms can provide an additional layer of safety. These alarms are especially important for immediate response in situations where staff members may face security threats.

External Reporting Procedures

Emergency Services Hotlines

For immediate response from emergency services, calling 000 is imperative. This universal emergency number connects you to police, fire, or ambulance services. It’s crucial to be familiar with the specific requirements for managing and reporting different types of incidents.

National Relay Service for Persons with Disabilities

The National Relay Service (NRS) plays a vital role in ensuring that individuals with disabilities can effectively communicate in emergency situations. This service facilitates communication for those who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or have speech difficulties.

Hold-Up/Duress Alarms

In situations involving criminal activity or threats, hold-up/duress alarms provide a discreet way to request immediate assistance. Ensure that all staff members are trained in their use and understand the importance of activating them when needed.

Advanced Mobile Location (AML) Technology

With the prevalence of mobile phones, leveraging technology becomes crucial in emergency reporting. AML technology automatically provides the operator with the caller’s precise location, enhancing the speed and accuracy of response.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems

When making emergency calls, interactive voice response systems play a significant role. Follow the prompts, and be prepared to provide essential information asked by the system to ensure a swift response.

National Emergency Location Service (NELS) for Mobiles

For mobile phones, the National Emergency Location Service (NELS) is a critical tool. It utilizes GPS on smartphones to provide accurate location information to emergency services.

Key Considerations for Reporting

Providing Accurate Location Details

Whether reporting internally or externally, accurate location details are paramount. In situations where you don’t know your exact location, providing as much information as possible about landmarks or surroundings becomes crucial.

Triple Zero (000) for Immediate Response

For immediate and direct contact with emergency services, always call Triple Zero (000). Understand the specific procedures for reporting fires, ambulance services, or criminal activities.

Utilizing AML-Capable Phones

Ensure that your mobile phone is AML-capable to take advantage of this technology. This feature can significantly expedite emergency response by providing precise location information.

What to Report to the Operator When You Call Triple Zero.

When reporting an emergency, providing accurate and detailed information is crucial to ensure a swift and effective response from emergency services. First and foremost, dial Triple Zero (000) on your phone and follow the established procedure. Clearly state the nature of the emergency, whether it’s a fire or ambulance requirement. If the situation necessitates police intervention, distinctly say ‘police.’ Remember not to press or attempt to call 911, as emergency services in Australia are accessed through Triple Zero.

When communicating with the operator, be prepared to provide your location. This includes details such as town and state, home or billing address, and, if possible, the three words generated by the what3words location system. In cases where the caller may have speech or hearing impairments, the use of teletypewriters (TTY) is encouraged. Additionally, the mobile handset location, facilitated by GPS on smartphones, should be activated to help pinpoint your exact location.

For incidents related to bushfires, power outages, or traffic management, specify the nature of the emergency clearly. If the situation involves hazards like bushfires, ensure that you convey the severity and immediate need for action. If it’s a non-emergency or requires traffic management, provide the necessary details as accurately as possible. If the call needs to be transferred to another service or organization, be patient, and follow the operator’s instructions. In all cases, adhere to the emergency service organization’s requirements and guidelines, ensuring that the information given is in accordance with their protocols. Remember that accurate and timely reporting is essential for the proper supervision and management of emergencies, prioritizing the health and safety of individuals and communities alike.


In managing and reporting emergencies, a comprehensive understanding of both internal and external reporting procedures is essential for fire wardens when applying emergency management. By following the outlined steps and utilizing available technologies, you contribute to the safety and well-being of your workplace and community. Stay informed, stay prepared, and act decisively in times of crisis.

Remember, the prompt reporting of incidents is a collective responsibility that ensures a swift and effective emergency response. In the realm of emergency management, achieving timely closure to incidents is paramount. When managing and reporting school incidents, fire wardens should be aware that accurate information provided during the call will automatically appear on the operator’s screen. This ensures that the appropriate emergency services are promptly dispatched to the scene. It is essential to follow the established procedures – in case of a fire, clearly say ‘fire’; for medical emergencies, say ‘ambulance’ ; and for police assistance, say ‘police’ . This specificity helps in streamlining the response process and dispatching the required services efficiently. It is crucial to emphasize that in non-emergency situations or for queries related to safety, the designated number 131 444 should be utilized. This number connects directly to local police, ensuring that resources are not diverted from critical emergency responses.

For effective reporting, especially in school settings, fire wardens should be well-versed in the protocols outlined by the school’s department. Delegates and principals play a pivotal role in the reporting process, and misconduct or offenses necessitate immediate reporting to the Incident Support and Operations Centre (ISOC). In scenarios where power outages or other hazards require emergency help, it is essential to provide up-to-date address details, ensuring accurate location identification. For incidents occurring in sports grounds, traffic management becomes crucial, and fire wardens must be prepared to provide information on the Automated Mobile Location (AML) capability of their smartphones. This includes details on whether the watch OS GPS, cellular network, or Android devices are utilized to enhance the accuracy of location information provided to the operator. In all cases, collaboration  ensures a unified and effective approach to emergency management, safeguarding the well-being and safety of students and staff alike.