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Guide to Using Infant Evacuation Sleds for Emergency Evacuation


Emergency evacuation in healthcare settings requires specialized equipment to ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of all patients, including infants. Infant evacuation sleds are designed specifically to facilitate the safe evacuation of newborns and young children in emergency situations. These sleds are equipped with various features and capabilities that make them an essential tool for healthcare facilities. In this article, we will explore the features of infant evacuation sleds, how they can be used for emergency evacuation, the safety considerations when using them, how they accommodate paediatric patients, and why hospitals should invest in them.

What are the features of infant evacuation sleds?

Infant evacuation sleds come with several key features that ensure the safety and comfort of infants during emergency evacuation:

Secure Strap System

The secure strap system in infant evacuation sleds provides a reliable method to hold the baby in place during evacuation. This strap system keeps the infant securely in the sled, minimizing the risk of injury or slipping during transport.

Adjustable Design

The adjustable design of infant evacuation sleds allows for a customized fit for each infant. The sled can be adjusted to accommodate infants of various sizes, ensuring a snug and secure fit during evacuation.

Fire Resistant Material

Infant evacuation sleds are made from fire-resistant materials, providing an added layer of safety in emergency situations. This ensures that the sled remains intact and functional even in the presence of fire or smoke.

How can infant evacuation sleds be used for emergency evacuation?

Proper training and simulation are essential for effective utilization of infant evacuation sleds during emergency evacuation:

Proper Training and Simulation

Staff should receive proper training on how to safely and efficiently use infant evacuation sleds. Regular simulation exercises should be conducted to familiarize staff with the equipment and emergency evacuation procedures.

Safe and Secure Infant Insert

The infant insert in the evacuation sled provides a safe and comfortable environment for the baby during evacuation. It is designed to cushion and support the infant, ensuring their well-being during transport.

Capacity and Storage Solutions

Infant evacuation sleds are designed to carry multiple infants or toddlers simultaneously, allowing for efficient evacuation of a larger number of patients. Additionally, storage devices are available to safely store the sleds when not in use, ensuring easy access during an emergency.

What are the safety considerations when using infant evacuation sleds?

Safety is of utmost importance when utilizing infant evacuation sleds:

Soft and Durable Material

Infant evacuation sleds are made from soft and durable materials to protect the baby from any potential discomfort or harm during evacuation. The materials used are resistant to tears and abrasions, ensuring the longevity of the sled.

Foot Control for Smooth Movement

Infant evacuation sleds are equipped with a foot control mechanism that allows for smooth and controlled movement while navigating through hallways and staircases. This ensures minimal jostling or jerking, providing a safe and comfortable ride for the infant.

Easy to Clean and Disinfect

Infant evacuation sleds are designed with ease of cleaning and disinfection in mind. The materials used are resistant to stains and can be easily wiped clean, ensuring a hygienic environment for the baby.

How do infant evacuation sleds accommodate pediatric patients?

Infant evacuation sleds are versatile and can accommodate pediatric patients of different ages:

Pocket Inserts for Toddler Use

Some infant evacuation sleds come with pocket inserts that allow for the safe and secure evacuation of toddlers. These pocket inserts provide additional support and restraint, ensuring the safety of older infants during evacuation.

Device to Fit Adult and Paediatric Patients

Infant evacuation sleds can be easily adjusted to fit adult and paediatric patients, making them suitable for use in various healthcare settings. This flexibility ensures that the sleds can be utilized to evacuate patients of different ages and sizes.

Patent Design for Secure and Safe Evacuation

The patented design of infant evacuation sleds guarantees a secure and safe evacuation process. The design incorporates multiple safety features to provide peace of mind to healthcare professionals during emergency situations.

Why should hospitals and Childcare Centres invest in infant evacuation sleds?

Hospitals should consider investing in infant evacuation sleds for the following reasons:

Ensure Emergency Evacuation Preparedness

Infant evacuation sleds are an essential component of a hospital’s emergency preparedness plan. By having these sleds readily available, hospitals can ensure that they are fully equipped to evacuate their most delicate patients during emergency situations.

Provide Safe and Secure Evacuation Equipment

Infant evacuation sleds provide a safe and secure means of evacuating babies and young children. With their features specifically designed for infant safety, these sleds are a reliable option for healthcare facilities to evacuate infants and toddlers.

Quotes and Packages for Every Hospital’s Requirement

There are various options available in terms of pricing and packages for infant evacuation sleds, allowing hospitals to select the most suitable option for their specific needs. Quotes can be obtained to ensure hospitals can acquire the required quantity of sleds at a competitive price.

Infant evacuation sleds are an invaluable addition to any hospital’s emergency evacuation strategy. The features and capabilities they offer ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of infants and young children in emergency situations. By investing in these sleds, hospitals can be well-prepared to handle any emergency evacuation scenario and provide the necessary care and protection to their most vulnerable patients.